Female Sexual Health – Advanced Screen


This blood and vaginal swab covers a wide range of common infections and provides you with a fast and simple way to check up on your sexual health.



What can a blood test tell you about your general health?

Sexual Health (6 Biomarkers)

Most sexually transmitted infections can be tested for using urine or blood samples. Certain STI’s don’t always cause symptoms and can develop into more serious conditions if untreated.


Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection from the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia is by far the most common sexually transmitted disease in the UK at present. A large percentage of people with this will not exhibit any symptoms thus chlamydia often being referred to as “The Silent Epidemic”. Chlamydia can be easily treated , if left untreated however it can cause significant reproductive problems. If your result is positive it is important to contact your partner (s) to advise them of the result and get tested / treated as well.


Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. If left untreated, gonorrhoea can cause severe reproductive and health problems.

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) are produced in the body by the hepatitis B virus. It is a virus which causes a liver infection and is spread from contact with the blood and bodily fluids of an infected person. HBsAg tests are used to diagnose if a person is currently infectious.

Hepatitis C Antibodies

Hepatitis C Antibodies (HCAg) are produced by the immune system after exposure to hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a virus which causes a liver infection and is spread from contact with the blood of an infected person. HCAg tests are used to determine whether a person has previously been exposed to hepatitis C.

HIV 1&2 Antibodies

HIV 1&2 Antibodies are produced by the immune system after exposure to HIV. HIV is a virus that damages the cells in the immune system and weakens the body’s ability to fight infections and disease. HIV 1&2 antibodies tests are used to measure the presence of antibodies being produced in response to the presence of HIV.

Syphilis IgM/IgG

Syphilis IgM/IgG are produced by the immune system during and after exposure to syphilis. IgM are antibodies that are the first form of response to syphilis and are used to indicate current infection. IgG are antibodies that are produced after exposure to syphilis and are used as an indicator of long-term immunity that the body creates.

This blood and vaginal swab test covers a wide range of common infections and provides you with a fast and simple way to check up on your sexual health.

Certain STI’s don’t always cause symptoms and can develop into more serious conditions if untreated.

How Do The Tests Work?

There is no better way to check for underlying health problems, or monitor existing conditions, than with a blood test. From our dedicated, state-of-the-art laboratory in London we offer the latest in pathology testing solutions across many disciplines including biochemistry, immunology, haematology, sexual health screening and molecular biology.

Whether you are concerned about your health, managing an existing condition or simply curious, a blood test with London Medical Laboratory provides a fast, affordable and easy way to start taking charge of your own health.

We offer a range of testing options to try and make the process as simple, stress free and convenient as possible.

  • Home Testing Kits – User-friendly finger-prick self-testing kits sent to you using the Royal Mail 1st Class Tracked postal service
  • In-Store Phlebotomy – For even faster results you can come into one of our stores to have your blood taken by one of our qualified phlebotomists
  • Mobile Phlebotomy – We can even come to you! For added convenience one of our qualified mobile phlebotomists can visit you at home or in your office

You will receive your results on the day after we receive your sample in our laboratory. We run a 24/7 laboratory operation and test all samples as quickly as possible after receiving them which enables our team of in-house GPs to review and communicate your results in the fastest possible timeframe.

*It is important to note that blood tests alone are not a substitute for seeing a doctor, particularly if you have any symptoms. You should not make a diagnosis or start any treatment without a consultation with a doctor or suitably trained healthcare professional.